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    我从不打开紧锁的心房(i never open the atrium of the tight lock)

    那是一个苦涩而甜蜜的百宝箱(that is a bitter acerbity but sweet 100 treasure box)

    所有的早晨和夜晚(all mornings are with the night)

    所有的琴声和欢唱(all music the voice sing with joyous)

    都在里头珍藏(all collect as treasure in the inside)

    我知道记忆在沉默里才不会褪色(i know the memory at silent can\"t just fade in color)

    思念在孤独中才能生长(remember fondly in the standing alone inside to can grow)

    我不祈求我的呼唤(i am not imprecation my call)

    引起寂寞的心声(cause the lonesome true feelings)

    也不希望我的等待(also not hope my wait for)

    兑付最初的梦想(exchange to pay the first dream)

    我只愿一个默默的故事(i am only wish a silent story)

    在黄昏摇起轻柔的铃铛(shake to raise the light and soft bell in the evening)

    在我们违心告别之后(in our disobey the heart farewell is after)

    岁月再洗印出我的(the years washes again to printout my)


    一笑(while smiling)
